Happy (belated) April Fools' Day from Wittenberg Radio! In honour of the day, Nicolien and Nolan chat with Evan Balzer, part time CMU student and one of the members of "Operation Cage-ify CMU," about the group's legendary prank at CMU.
Wittenberg Radio #98
This week on Wittenberg Radio, Nolan and Nicolien check in with their monthly columnists for the last time this year! Jason talks March Madness, Kenji reflects on Film60, and Ayla picks a fight with weak tea. Thanks to all our wonderful columnists for a great year of podcasting!
Wittenberg Radio #97
Another live music episode of Wittenberg Radio features Rosebud!! Zach Rempel and Nate De Avila give some insight into the behind-the-scenes of their music and play a few tunes from their new album "Night" live on the show! Tune in for some awesome music and conversation!
Check out Rosebud at https://rosebudmusic.bandcamp.com/releases and https://www.facebook.com/Rosebudsounds/.
Wittenberg Radio #96
This week on Wittenberg Radio, Nolan and Nicolien unveil the co-hosts for Wittenberg Radio 2017/2018... Claudia Dueck and Kenji Dyck!! Tune in to find out what Claudia and Kenji are most excited for next year and hear their music picks of the week!
Wittenberg Radio #95
It's columnist week once again on Wittenberg Radio! Jason Friesen talks about the lack of music and in-game entertainment at a recent New York Knicks game, and Kenji Dyck discusses the 2017 Academy Awards. Alas, Ayla Manning is sick once again. Feel better Ayla!
Wittenberg Radio #94
This week on Wittenberg Radio, Nolan and Nicolien chat with CMU volleyball players John Nieckarz (2nd year) and Tasha Enns (4th year) about the men's and women's teams' victories at the 2016-2017 MCAC Championships. Congratulations CMU Blazers!
Wittenberg Radio #93
This week on Wittenberg Radio, singer-songwriter and CMU student Katie MacDonald talks with Nicolien and Nolan about her new album "All Things New" and plays a couple tracks live on the show! Check out Katie's music at https://katiemacdonald.bandcamp.com/, or better yet, go see her live! https://www.facebook.com/events/359573084427768/
Wittenberg Radio #92
This week on Wittenberg Radio, Nolan and Nicolien check in with the show's monthly columnists Jason Friesen, sports, and Kenji Dyck, arts and culture.** The topics? Jason discusses this year's Superbowl and Kenji talks the new hit film, La La Land. The Marigolds are on as the weekly Christmas coffeehouse feature!
** Ayla Manning was unfortunately unable to make it, as she has fallen ill. Feel better Ayla!
Wittenberg Radio #91
This week on Wittenberg Radio, Nicolien and Nolan chat with third year BTS and PACTS double major and Faith in Life co-director Laura Carr-Pries about the Winnipeg Women's March on Washington that took place on January 21. Amelia Pahl's coffeehouse performance is also featured!
Wittenberg Radio #90
In Wittenberg Radio's 90th episode, Ashley Prest, Instructor of Journalism at CMU and writer at the Winnipeg Free Press, talks with Nicolien and Nolan about the fake news phenomenon that is sweeping the Internet. The show also features "Over" from Winnipeg band Rosebud's new album "Night" and Erin Deighton's Christmas coffeehouse performance.
Wittenberg Radio #89
This week on Wittenberg Radio, Nicolien and Nolan check in with monthly columnists Jason Friesen, Kenji Dyck, and Ayla Manning to hear the goings-on in all things sports, film, and rant - this time about CMU's practicum program. Tune in to also hear Patrick Binne's performance at the Christmas Gala coffeehouse!
Wittenberg Radio #88
This week on Wittenberg Radio, Nolan and Nicolien chat with James Magnus-Johnston, Instructor of Political Studies and Economics at CMU and director of the new Centre for Ecological and Economic Resilience that will be hosted in the fourth floor of North Campus. Katy Neuman's performance from the Christmas coffeehouse is also featured on the show.
Wittenberg Radio #87 - Live Christmas Gala Coffeehouse! Part 1
This week on Wittenberg Radio features Wittenberg Live! at the post-Christmas Gala coffeehouse organized by the Arts & Entertainment committee and hosted by your very own Wittenberg Radio.
Part 1 includes the musical talents of Madi Allen, stories of protesting in solidarity with Standing Rock with Emily Hamm and Laura Carr-Pries, Wittenberg's monthly columnists Jason Friesen and Kenji Dyck, and the acts of your fellow students Amelia Pahl, Katy Neuman, Erin Deighton, The Marigolds, and Zachary Stefaniuk.
Wittenberg Radio #87 - Live Christmas Gala Coffeehouse! Part 2
This week on Wittenberg Radio features Wittenberg Live! at the post-Christmas Gala coffeehouse organized by the Arts & Entertainment committee and hosted by your very own Wittenberg Radio.
Part 2 includes the musical talents of Madi Allen, Rebecca Penner's adventures at the United Nations in NYC, Wittenberg's monthly columnist Ayla Manning, a candlelit carol sing of Silent Night led by Emily Rempel, and the acts of your fellow students Patrick Binne, Alisha Morphet, Erica Slejko, Amalia Inglis, Gabbi Martin, Mikael Vander Kooy, and Isaac Schlegel.
Wittenberg Radio #86
This week on Wittenberg Radio, we replay last year's conversation with Steve Bell about water rights and Freedom Road at Shoal Lake 40, in light of the protests against the Dakota Access pipeline happening at Standing Rock First Nation.
Wittenberg Radio #85
This week on Wittenberg Radio we feature our live show from On the Eve, a Mennonite Church Manitoba youth event centred on peace initiatives. Tune in to hear Nolan and Nicolien chat with Mattea Nickel about dumpster diving, and April Klassen and Emilie Roussis about walking with Winnipeg's Bear Clan.
Wittenberg Radio #84
This week on Wittenberg Radio, we re-air an episode from October 7, 2015, where CMU student and singer-songwriter Kenzi Jane (Mackenzie Friesen) talks about her new solo EP "Love Me From Scratch" and plays one of the tracks "Train Song" live in studio. This EP is set to be released in the near future, so tune in to learn more about this amazing musician!
Wittenberg Radio #83
This week on Wittenberg Radio features our columnists for the second time this year! Tune in to hear your fellow students Jason Friesen discuss the politics of baseball team names, Ayla Manning rant about yogurt, and Kenji Dyck talk about the movie industry.
Wittenberg Radio #82
This week on Wittenberg Radio, Nolan and Nicolien discuss the current U.S. presidential election with CMU staff (and student) Peter Epp, who is a dual citizen of Canada and the U.S. Only two weeks until election day!
Wittenberg Radio #81
This week on Wittenberg Radio, Nicolien and Nolan chat with CMQ facilitators Tegan Willick and Louisa Hofer. CMQ (Canadian Mennonite Queer) is an anonymous support group for CMU's LGBTTA* community.
If you are looking to get involved with CMQ, have any concerns or questions, or would just like someone to talk to, feel free to contact Tegan at teganw@sasktel.net or Louisa at louisahofer44@hotmail.com.